Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lovely Day

Today Brendan and I took the kids to "A Mountain" in Tempe for a little hike. It was lovely. A little exercise in the great outdoors on the old campus. Also, a wonderful opportunity to use my new camera! Neither Brendan nor I have climbed A Mtn. in over 12 years, so it was kinda neat to return 12 years later as a little family. The Parking meters were an unexpected disappointment, but we managed to scrape up enough loose change in the van to avoid getting a ticket. Kristen only had to be carried for a total of about 5 minutes, so that was bonus! As we climbed closer and closer to the "A," the girls' excitement seemed to climb as well. They were thrilled when we let them go over to touch and sit on it. Not sure what's so special about it - I sit on my A everyday! Badumpcha! Anyway...we made our way to the tippy top of the mountain, where we had a little snack before heading back down for lunch at 4 Peaks. As if I needed a reminder of the fact that children live in their own little world, the girls started strong arming each other for position when we got to the top. That's right, pushing and squirming while on top of a pile of jagged rocks on top of a mountain, thousands of feet in the sky. Hello Knuckleheads! Go on, pay no attention to your surroundings. No big deal. Just, you know, one over-reach and you'll become a tumbling ball of flesh headed screaming down the mountainside! Ah to be a kid again...


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Things I Don't Give a Shit About

Mitt Romney's tax rate.

Where President Obama gives his Democratic party nomination acceptance speech.

How many times "Teen Mom" stars get arrested.

Anything the Kardasians are doing.

Why Paula Dean has diabetes.

Wikipedia going "dark" for a day.

The upcoming American Idol premier.

Why the Italian cruise ship captain abandoned ship.


Friday, January 13, 2012

Someone's Bleaching Beyonce!

While on line at Walgreen's today I happened across the newest Beyonce album called "4". I had to do a double take because at first I thought Lindsay Lohan released an album straight from the slammer. Nope. Then I looked a little harder and thought maybe Lisa Bonet had been resurrected from the dead. Wrong again. Finally after a third reeaaalllly long stare I finally figured it out - that cracked out white chick is Beyonce! Not sure what happened to black being beautiful, but apparently "strung out white" is the new black. I had to make sure I wasn't losing my mind, so I did an image search for Beyonce album covers and that's when things took a turn for the worst. Not only is Beyonce whiter than she used to be, but it also seems the more successful she becomes, the whiter she gets. They way I figure she's about two albums and a Grammy away from being clear. Chalk another one up for the regressive record industry. Such a shame.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Greatest Gift

In two days Brendan and I will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. Historically, we're not big gift givers when it comes to each other. For birthdays, Christmas, and anniversaries we usually make a pact, in which we decide not to buy each other anything, but rather "save the money" for something more important, like a family vacation, or the (minimal) emergency fund. This year has been different. Instead of a "No Gift" pact for birthdays and Christmas, we opted for a "Minimal Gift on a Budget" pact. I have to say it has been refreshing. It has reminded me the deep seeded truth in the old cliche "It's the thought that counts." It's nice to be thought of, and it's nice to receive a gift that is thoughtful. Imagine my surprise when (four days before our anniversary) I received from Brendan a very thoughtful gift via a Canon Rebel camera. I have always wanted a really nice camera. I have never articulated this much because I know they are expensive and there is always something more sensible to spend money on. Now however, thanks to the thoughtfulness and generosity of lovely husband, I have a really nice camera! Just in time to work on this month's cyngle photography challenge! This gift has brought my love of taking pictures to a new level.

Inspiration runs through me.

Come ride the inspiration train... (cut and paste this because I tried and failed 6 times to imbed this as a link)


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tick Tock...Let's Go!

Today I've been thinking about time. I've heard the saying, "Time is on your side," and I have to say, I couldn't agree less. I'd say time is, more often than not, on the other side. The side which is not yours, or mine, or ours. It is impossible to have enough time. We have to pick and choose the things we make time for. Work, family, friends, exercise, hobbies, relaxation. Relaxation? Who has time for that? I suppose this dilemma of how to spend one's time is not such a burden for those with little ambition or limited interests. Too bad I'm not one of them.

Today my cousin learned that a coworker is terminally ill and would not return to work beyond Friday. As in tomorrow. He is suddenly well past his prime and mid way through his second to last day of work. Ever. Time may be on his side, but only because it is anchored firmly behind him pushing him mercilessly over the edge to the other side. The thrust of time is a testament to the fragility of our mortality, and so, I do not like it. If we were picking teams for dodge ball, you could have time. I'll take the fat kid. Time is a crummy teammate. Unless of course you're wine, or cheese, or whiskey. Man I wish I was whiskey.
