Friday, August 21, 2009


Today marks the end to the second week of Kindergarten for Keira. Here is a short examination of some of the differences between her kindergarten experience and my own.

On the eve of the first day my mom cried in disbelief at how big I'd gotten so quickly. I neither cried the same, nor any, tears for Keira.

Keira wore an adorable brightly colored sparkley shirt with jean shorts and sparkley shoes. I wore a grey dress that had a few pink flowers on it.

My first day of Kindergarten was the first day I set foot in a classroom. Keira had completed 2 years of education before her first day of Kindergarten.

On my first day I was ahead of the game because I knew my letters. Keira has been reading since she was 3 and a half.

My kindergarten teacher played the piano in the classroom. Keira's does not.

I peed my pants in kindergarten. Time will tell on this one for Keira.

In my kindergarten class everyone was a white kid. In her class, Keira is a minority.

We both smiled for our first day pictures. Keira's was one of confident accomplishment, mine was one of enthusiastic inexperience.
