Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Greatest Gift

In two days Brendan and I will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. Historically, we're not big gift givers when it comes to each other. For birthdays, Christmas, and anniversaries we usually make a pact, in which we decide not to buy each other anything, but rather "save the money" for something more important, like a family vacation, or the (minimal) emergency fund. This year has been different. Instead of a "No Gift" pact for birthdays and Christmas, we opted for a "Minimal Gift on a Budget" pact. I have to say it has been refreshing. It has reminded me the deep seeded truth in the old cliche "It's the thought that counts." It's nice to be thought of, and it's nice to receive a gift that is thoughtful. Imagine my surprise when (four days before our anniversary) I received from Brendan a very thoughtful gift via a Canon Rebel camera. I have always wanted a really nice camera. I have never articulated this much because I know they are expensive and there is always something more sensible to spend money on. Now however, thanks to the thoughtfulness and generosity of lovely husband, I have a really nice camera! Just in time to work on this month's cyngle photography challenge! This gift has brought my love of taking pictures to a new level.

Inspiration runs through me.

Come ride the inspiration train...

www.cyngle.com (cut and paste this because I tried and failed 6 times to imbed this as a link)


1 comment:

Vinny said...

I am so excited for you and your creativity!