Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tick Tock...Let's Go!

Today I've been thinking about time. I've heard the saying, "Time is on your side," and I have to say, I couldn't agree less. I'd say time is, more often than not, on the other side. The side which is not yours, or mine, or ours. It is impossible to have enough time. We have to pick and choose the things we make time for. Work, family, friends, exercise, hobbies, relaxation. Relaxation? Who has time for that? I suppose this dilemma of how to spend one's time is not such a burden for those with little ambition or limited interests. Too bad I'm not one of them.

Today my cousin learned that a coworker is terminally ill and would not return to work beyond Friday. As in tomorrow. He is suddenly well past his prime and mid way through his second to last day of work. Ever. Time may be on his side, but only because it is anchored firmly behind him pushing him mercilessly over the edge to the other side. The thrust of time is a testament to the fragility of our mortality, and so, I do not like it. If we were picking teams for dodge ball, you could have time. I'll take the fat kid. Time is a crummy teammate. Unless of course you're wine, or cheese, or whiskey. Man I wish I was whiskey.


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