Sunday, March 1, 2009

Strong Beer Festival

This weekend I partook in my first beer festival. I will say that prior to going, it was very difficult for me not to build it up too much in my head. I've heard such wonderful things about beer festivals from many of my friends. Some of them even travel regularly to different states to experience specific festivals. Nevertheless, I was able, with significant effort, to negate my frame of mind to the point of neutrality. I know someone who would say that I suck for having done this and that the extremes of life are the best part, but to that I would say great expectations lead to greater disappointment, and we'll take it up in another blog.

So back to the beer festival. I feel like it was a little risky for a domestic light beer connoisseur like myself to chose the "Strong Beer Festival for my first experience. It's kinda like losing your virginity to a porn star. I digress. It would be easy for me to slip into the mode of giving the step by step account of my time at the festival, but if I did, I think it would become tedious for me half way through and then I'd end up deleting the whole effing blog. Instead, I'll share some random thoughts about the festival and the night that followed...

1. Strong beers often taste like feet.

2. Hefeweizen is not strong enough to exhibit at the Strong Beer Festival.

3. The day after a beer festival, it will be impossible for you to recall the names of the beers you enjoyed at the festival, even if you sampled them multiple times.

4. I have an embarrassing inability to remember people whom I have met before.

5. Spaghetti, well, any food I suppose, is WAY better when you're intoxicated.

6. Women spend too much time looking in the mirror.

7. Pretzel necklaces rule.

8. Spontaneous star gazing with a loved one is grand.

9. Alcohol is a magical menace that brings secrets to the surface.

10. My self control is painfully remarkable at times.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Secrets eh???? I am intregued.