Sunday, March 8, 2009


What can I say about peeps? I love them. Not in the sense that if I could only pick one candy for the rest of my life I would pick them, but in the sense that they make me feel warm with nostalgia. I used to look forward to Easter season because Peeps would magically appear on the grocery store shelves. Back in the day the only kinds of Peeps you could buy were yellow or pink, bunnies and chicks. Nowadays you can get Peeps in purple or green or blue. I still only pick pink or yellow. Also nowadays, you can get Peeps almost all year round - snowman and trees at Christmas, hearts for Valentine's day, and ghosts for Halloween. To me, these are not real Peeps and I do not buy them.

The confectionary evolution of Peeps, has provided me with two important life lessons:

1. Having too many choices is a bad thing.
2. Certain pleasures are more thoroughly enjoyed in moderation.


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