Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Today I Cried at Cracker Barrel

This morning I was running late for Keira's dentist appointment AND I couldn't find my phone. I always lose my phone and keys and it always makes me feel small. Somehow I can't seem to overcome this flaw, but anyway...we made it to the dentist only 10 minutes late and I did a really good job at not letting our lateness ruin my mood. I figured - I can't change the fact that we are late, so I need to just accept it and move on. And I did. Keira did a fanstastic job. She let them take x-rays and she got a top notch report. No cavities, no plaque, excellent spacing...perfect.

Against my instincts I decided that it would be nice if we did something special to 'celebrate' Keira's dental performance. So we went, for breakfast, to Cracker Barrel. I don't do things like this with the girls often, because quite frankly I am intimidated by a 2 to 1 kid to adult ratio in public when the '2' are my girls and the '1' is me. I am not ashamed to admit this. So as I said, we went to Cracker Barrel...

The host sat us at a table in the main area not too far from an oversized group of about 20 people. Aside from the large group, it wasn't super busy. Most of the tables were empty. I did my best to entertain the kids (mostly Kristen, Keira is pretty self sufficient), but after 10 minutes without anyone even aknowledging us I began to get anxious. I almost got up and left right then and I really should have. I waited for 5 more minutes then kindly said to a waitress who was paying wonderful attention to the tables all around us, "Excuse me. I don't know who is in charge of our section, but no one has taken our order yet and we've been here for quite a while." So you, well, I anyway, would think that she'd pick up the slack and say something like, "I'm so sorry. What would you like?" But she didn't. Instead she chose the incompetent route with, "Oh. I don't know. Let me go find out." So a different lady came over and I efficiently ordered our meal.

An average amount of time later, my food arrived, hand delivered by some other dude from the back. The only problem is that they didn't bring Keira's pancake. I did my best to assure Keira her pancake would be right out, and I repeatedly asked her if she wanted some of my french toast in the meantime. She declined of course because she didn't want french toast. If she wanted french toast, she would have ordered french toast. She wanted a pancake. That's it. Simple. A fucking pancake. So we waited for about 10 minutes more and I made agitated eye contact with our waitress. At this point Keira's eyes were filled with tears. The waitress rushed right over and placed our bill on the table, turned to Keira and said, "Oh are you unhappy?" I responded on Keira's behalf with, "Yes. Where's her pancake?" She said, "I'm so sorry, I thought they brought it out! It will be right up."

The pancake came quickly then, however, order was not restored to our table, as Kristen had already eaten and she was ready to go. Keira and I rushed through the rest of our breakfast and the manager came over to say she would be taking the pancake off the bill. A small gesture that did nothing to help me overcome the feeling of defeat this whole fiasco had caused.

Off to the cash register to pay. It's all over right? Wrong. Kristen on my hip, Keira by my side, bags on my shoulder and we head towards the store part of the place. Kristen demands, "Cup. Cup. Cup," as she wants to hold the cheesy plastic lided resteraunt cup. "Okay," I say, "Donnn't spill it. Be careful." I turn around and it tumbles (in slow motion of course) into a display, breaks open, and then splashes a 1 foot radius circle on the floor. At that point it took every ounce of restraint I had not to burst into tears like a hysterical lunatic. My eyes filled up with tears, as I avoided eye contact with everyone, paid, and raced for the exit. Thankfully I made it to the car before my tears headed south of my eyes. I cried quietly the whole way to my moms and for a little while after I got there.

It was weird for me because I don't usually break down like that. It was unfamiliar, yet refreshing. I felt soft. Vulnerable. Human.



Anonymous said...

I once dropped a plate of cupcakes and bawled my eyes out. Another time this jack ass cut me off intraffic and I totally lost it. Sometimes it just happens.
Hope your day is getting better.

NJames said...

You have to realize that if it weren't for poor service; you would have done beautifully in the restaurant. I do this all the time and it is hit or miss with servers. I can tell in about two minutes whether or not it is going to be a good meal. Don't fret - it is not you!