Wednesday, December 3, 2008


We'll, last night at midnight, we returned from a week long Thanksgiving "vacation" in NY. It was successful in the sense that we all survived, however, I feel like I just stepped out of a black hole that I stumbled into a week ago. Here are a few summary lists I compiled on the trip:

Things I Learned, Realized, or Rediscovered
1. Kids always have more fun than adults
2. I like hosting company more than I like being company.
3. I still need my parents.
4. I don't appreciate the simple things enough, and I don't know how to change that.
5. Sometimes it's easy for me to feel out of place.
6. Excercise DOES reduce stress.
7. Drunk people always seem to be having more fun.
8. The only difference between a fun drunk person and an obnoxious asshole is which side of the bottle you're on.
9. Near total darkness by 4:30 pm sucks.
10. Hot chocolate tastes best when you are really cold.
11. I am an oxymoron.
12. Everyone thinks drama is annoying unless it is their own.
13. Everything is better with whipped cream.
14. My physical appearance is starting to mean more to me than I'd like it to.
15. Every trip should have a theme song.
16. Difficult things gradually become easier as they evolve into a routine.
17. I am an Arizonan who used to live in NY, not a New Yorker who lives in AZ.
18. All things are brighter in AZ - the sun, the people's faces, and the future.

Things I Did Not Do
1. Drive
2. Cook
3. Wear sunglasses
4. Shave below my waist
5. Listen to NPR

Good Things that Came in Twos
1. On day 5 we found 2 ladybugs in our hotel room.
2. I worked out in the hotel gym 2 times.
3. On day 6 I ate 2 hot fudge sundaes within 3 hours.

Random Things I Enjoyed
1. Grandma's Style pizza
2. The smell of the hotel corridor and the manner in which it became more familiar with each passing day.
3. Showing Keira the town I grew up old house, schools, playground, etc.
4. Listening to the girls 'ooh and ahh' as we drove past Christmas lights.
5. Hair and skin that didn't constantly feel dry.
6. My Aunt Ruthie's homemade apple pie.
7. Having good health insurance.

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