Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Lady with the Hammer

A few weeks ago my neighbors put decided to put a political sign up in their yard. I am not opposed to such acts of freedom of speech. Afterall, it's their property and their view, so let 'em go ahead, put up the sign. I would be lying, however, if I said I was perfectly happy with their choice of placement. We have no obvious barrier between the end of their yard and the begining of ours, just a blendy broad area of rocks. So where do they decide to put the sign? Towards the end of their yard near the begining of ours, right smack in the middle of ambiguity. I suppose that if I happened to agree with the message of the sign it would not matter, but unfortunately, I believe that the ballot measure my neighbor's sign supports is unecessary. Believe me, I could get into a whole nother blog about the measure alone, but not now. In regards to dealing with the sign my options are as follows:

1. Get over it

2. Ask them to move it

3. Knock it down while they are sleeping and then put up a sign with my own opposing viewpoint.

Anyone who knows me knows that I sooooooo wanted to do (3). I seriously considered it for a moment, but soon after decided that (1) would probably be the best idea. So I got over it. A few days later it was really windy and the sign kept blowing over, and then eventually disappeared. I was smiling on the inside. Well this morning around 6:45 I went outside to throw a stinky diaper directly in the big trash. As I ducked under my slowly rising garage door I discovered the neighbor lady out there with hammer and stake, pounding away, putting her sign back.

How foolish of me to believe we could have gotten through election week without seeing that sign again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was so hoping the HOA had actually done something right for a change. I was so mad this morning. I really wanted to move it into their grass so it was cleary in their yard, then I though of calmly asking them to move it closer to their home, not even take it down, but just move it so that it wouldn't pollute your yard. Oh well. I chickened out. Damn free speech. I just wish they would do it closer to their own house. We should measure the property lines!!!! Or make our own signs.......lets do that!