Friday, October 24, 2008

It's Warm Here

So two of my friends having been blogging here for a little while and I have been inspired to do the same. I like it here. I feel like this is a less formal blogging place that will allow me to post more frequently without feeling like I have to read and re-read every line a million times to make sure it came out exactly the way I wanted it to. I look foward to enjoying the freedom this warm place has brought me.

Here are a few things you should know before you read any further:

1. I am a terrible speller. In elementary school when we used to have the classroom spelling competition to see which kid would represent our class in the school spelling bee, I would always make it to the final rounds. The thought of getting up in front of the whole school to spell words was so terrifying however, that purposely mis-spelled words to get myself out. Ever since then, my spelling ability has been retarded.

2. I am painfully aware of the fact that I will occasionally (hopefully not too often) mis-use words like 'their' & 'there' or 'your' & 'you're.' For me this is a use it or lose it kind of thing. When I was in school and actively writing papers I would never make these kinds of mistakes, however, now my ability to avoid such simple errors is inferior.

3. I am in love with the dictionary and the thesaurus. I wish I had a better memory so I could retain the kind of vocabulary I often dream of.

4. I like to use dots (....) and dashes (-), in places that are probably inappropriate. Punctuation is for pansies. Not really, I only said that to seem cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Puncuation is for Pansies!!!!!!! at lease Proper puncuation is proper spelling. Both of which I suck at!!!!!!!!!! !@&#^$%*@( Yeah for Puncuation! Yeah for Blogging!
Welcome friend.