Sunday, June 17, 2012

RWW: The Relativity of Value

This week's Red Wine Wednesday provided a lesson in the relativity of value.  All things have value and all value is relative. I am open to the possibility that there are certain things in life that have an absolute value that is neither variable nor relative, but I'm not sure what those things would be.  Certainly not anything related to emotion. The concept of relative value is a personal favorite of mine, probably because it relies so heavily on one of my other favorite human concepts; perspective.  The way I see it, relativity of value is a five phase cycle being played out on an infinite loop. Phase 1: Know Nothing. Phase 2: Experience Something.  Phase 3: Process the Experience and Determine Value. Phase 4: Discover Something Else. Phase 5: Process New Experience and Adjust Value. Regardless of our level of awareness, this process is happening in all of us all of the time.  It is the heart of life. 

Red Wine Wednesday #3: Night Harvest Cabernet Sauvignon

This weeks activity was a play date and craft session at my friend's house.  For the kids the craft was decorating visors with stickers and glitter glue. For the grown ups, my friend found a neato project of making coasters out of wine corks.  Pretty much the only things you need are some wine corks, a hot glue gun and some ribbon.  It was really easy and fun! Here is my finished product:

 I'm sorry to say that this week the streak of near flawless behavior from my girls came to an end.  We  had a few meltdowns over sharing glitter glue, then some really dramatic animal phobia reactions, all wrapped up together in a general package of sassy-ness. Better luck next week.

As for the wine...

My friend chose a seven dollar bottle of Night Harvest Cabernet Sauvignon and it was lovely. After our first few sips we had a very quick lesson in the relativity of value.  While we didn't originally find the week 1 and week 2 wines to be bad wines, after tasting this wine we agreed that the week 1 and week 2 wines wouldn't be worth purchasing again.  Our favorite wine so far, it will definitely be purchased again by both of us.  Fruitier and smoother than the previous weeks' selections, we both enjoyed it very much. Never thought I'd say it but hooray for Cabernet!


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