Sunday, January 11, 2009

Entertainment Armageddon

I also heard this week that Obama's transition team and The Consumers Union (whatever that is) both called for an extension of the analog to digital TV conversion deadline. Apparently 19 million Americans live in households that are not prepared for the conversion, and the coupon program that allows households up to TWO $40 coupons towards the purchase of converter boxes has reached its max budget. I realize I'm just a average person with an average mind, however, I find it foolish to allow one house more than one coupon. Twice as many people could avoid this terrible entertainment armageddon if each house was given only ONE coupon.

In the interest of full disclosure, we do have 3 TVs in our home, however, I think we would probably manage to survive if we only had one. In fact, the 2nd and 3rd TVs barely get used as it is. Don't get me wrong here - I'm not saying that TV is evil - in fact it's a helpful babysitting, distracting, and learning tool sometimes. I do think, however, in general (though I'm not in love with generalizations) people watch too much TV. I take pride in knowing that our family has, on more than one occasion, all been home, with the TV off for several hours at a time.

Would it be so bad if people didn't have TV for a little while?


1 comment:

Vinny said...

I whole-heartedly agree that watching too much tv is not good for society. I believe we live such bankrupt lives that we have had to invent ways not to miss television shows (vhs recorders, tivo, dvr). Fewer people are going out and living their lives because it is safer to watch others live life for them (enter every reality show). People are so used to tuning each other out, we forget how to converse with one and other when the tv set is on. Television is not the only culprit for the current state of the typical obese, not able to communicate with people, stay inside and away from the windows, paranoid, delusional citizen...but it certainly helps my arguement.

In the same sense, television itself has given us a reason to wear shirts that promote violence towards the sets themselves. (Kill your TV.)

TV isn't evil...the miscommunication, the misinformation, and the miss america televised pageants are evil.