Saturday, November 21, 2009


Today I got to thinking that I just may be a bit more stubborn than I previously thought. Only on principle though.

Thanksgiving's coming up. I can't look at a pre-cooked turkey with out getting really sad. Once it's golden brown and crispy with bacon on it's breast though, all bets are off.

Sometimes I imagine how much better the world would be if everyone walked around with a solid 3 beer buzz.

Basha's is going out of business because it sucks. The prices are too high, and the expiration dates are almost always tomorrow.

Working for half of my Saturday really makes me appreciate the rest of my weekend.

Finding new music is awesome.

Making new music is awesomer.

I'm finally getting over the fact that my kids will consider the Jim Carrey version of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" the "real" one. I'm almost even ready to let them see it.
